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India grows the finest mangoes in the world although more than a thousand varieties exist, only around 20 varieties are grown on commercial scale and Alphonso is the supreme & best variety in India. Mangoes grow on spreading short-trunked trees …

Dates are typically small and cylindrical in shape, are naturally rich in antioxidants, containing anthocyanins, carotenoids and phenols, although the amounts depend on the variety of date. Dates are high in potassium and Niacin,also know as vitamin..

Tamarind concentrate is traditionally used as a way to add a slightly sour bite to Middle Eastern, Thai and Indian dishes. Use a few spoons of the paste to balance the sweetness in chutney and savoury dishes, blended in juice …

Tomatoes just blush with goodness! They are good sources of Vitamin C and beta-carotene and the richest source of the antioxidant lycopene. Low lycopene levels are associated with prostate and breast cancers. Tomatoes contain o...